Additional Learning Needs

All children are special and have individual needs; a differentiated approach to learning is therefore maintained in each class. However, if a child has specific gifts or learning difficulties, appropriate help and support is given. Children on the Special Educational Needs register fall into categories of School Action, School Action Plus and Statemented. Pupils who are identified as having SEN are placed on the SEN register. Parents are involved as soon as possible and are kept informed of progress.  The school uses the Local Authority platform Tyfu to undertake all referrals and reviews.

More Able and Talented (MAT) pupils are placed on the MAT register. By providing for these pupils we raise the standards for all.

The SENCO is Mrs Tracey Havard and she also has responsibility for Looked after Children (CLA) in the school and to ensure that their academic and emotional needs are met. Mrs Elizabeth Miller and Miss Joanne Wozencroft have responsibility for EAL pupils.

Specialist Centre

The school hosts three Specialist Centres for children with more complex needs, supporting and working with children from the Maesydderwen Cluster. These are children who have been identified by the Area Educational Psychologist who require specialist teaching and the nurturing environment the experienced staff provide. The children are fully included in the life of the school and pupils are integrated into their peer groups as and when appropriate. The centres have their own outdoor areas and interactive whiteboards to support the children’s multi-sensory learning.

The staff work as part of a multi agency team eg. SALT, Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists and the school nurse. The centres are easily accessible via a paved pathway suitable for wheelchairs.